Fjæremsfossen power plant

挪威 / 水电 / Power plant

Fjæremsfossen power plant is located on the Nid River in Trondheim Municipality in Trøndelag County.

  • 1957
    Entered into operation
  • 18 MW
  • 80.1、妇女

The power plant is considered a run-of-river power plant.

The plant gets its operating water from the Nea-Nidelv watercourse, which flows from 瑞典 and through Trøndelag County.

Fjæ remsfossen
Fjæremsfossen (图片来源:Mikal Sveen)

The plant uses a height of fall of 27 metres and is equipped with two Francis turbines.

Fjæ remsfossen
Fjæremsfossen. (图片来源:Mikal Sveen)


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